Friday, 12 August 2011

The Year of the Bee continued.

Youlgrave Bee Group has just completed it’s first year of bee-keeping and I guess the thing we have learned most is how much there is to learn! We, or rather the bees, have managed to produce some honey this summer. It was for sale at the Carnival and the August Village Market, but in limited quantities: that was partly due to the weather and partly due to inexperienced bee-keeping. Hopefully, next year with more of the village growing bee-friendly plants and more of us gaining experience, as well as more of our members obtaining their own bees, there should be more honey . . . The end product is very much a partnership between bee-friendly villagers and bee keepers.
Talking of next year - although I get cross when charities send their Christmas catalogues early, I have to ask you to think about next spring right now, because now is the time to plan and plant the 2012 early food for bees. Bulbs such as crocuses are good, as well as wallflowers and early flowering perennials such as pulmonaria. To check on whether the plants you are planting are bee friendly look at the list on our blog at
And finally - calling all bee-friends - there is an invitation for you to get more involved now and in the future. If you would like to come and observe while members of the bee group do one of their regular inspections, you are very welcome. We can only cater for one or two people at a time as we have to arrange for protective clothing for you, so if you would like to come please contact me (636550)or Steve Catchick (630009), or contact us through the blog.
Jeni Edwards.